Olly Komenda Soentgerath was born as German in Prague. She studied Germanistik and History at the Karl University. First poems appeared in the \"Prager day sheet\".
In the Federal Republic of Germany she published so far ten poem volumes and a Prosaband. Seifert translated her poems into Czech and published them in three volumes in Prague two years before she received the 1984 Nobelprize.
The poems of Olly Komenda Soentgerath were published in numerous anthologies, newspapers and magazines. They were toned and translated into several languages - the authoress is member of the PEN- club.She won several literary awards kept among others being the Culture Prize for Bibliography 1992 endowed by the Free State of Bavaria; the Honour Gift of Andreas Gryphius; and in 1996 the Kuenstlergilde endowed by the Federal Ministry of the Inside.
Eine virtuelle Heimstätte der Litaratur und Kunst